hey, in this section i provide links to articles that explore themes i find intriguing. I like discovering stuff which is useful to me and others. I found these articles useful, hope you do too.

Learning - The dunning-kruger effect

The dunning-krugger effect is a phenomenon by which those who know the least about a subject are prone to being more confident about there abilities because they lack the knowledge to understand there own ignorance while those who exel at a given task tend to think the task is simple for everyone and underestimate their relative abilities as well. Knowing where you stand on this spectrum can greatly benefit you on your learning journey. Dunning-Kruger Effect

Burnout - Demystifying Burnout

In the morden world its common for people to use the term burnout when they are stressed, tired or overworked. However its not that simple and vague, burnout is a recognised clinical syndrome and with the changing landscape of many careers today, it has become very common. This article can help you to avoid burnout. Demystifying Burnout

Meditation - Want to start meditating?

meditation is more than sitting quietly on a cution trying not to think. It gives awareness and leads to enlightenment if properly practiced. This has caused alot of research to go into the actual effects of meditation on the human mind using modern technology and to see if there is an alternative way to achieve the same effects. Find out the latest about meditation here, Meditation and Enlightenment

Wealth - Six types of wealth

This article explains the various kinds of wealth, how much you need of each and the pros & cons of each kind. It gives you a guide on where to focus your attention and how not to waste your time and energy. Six Types of Wealth